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Sequoyah Book Awards for Grades 3-5

Dogtown by Katherine Applegate & Gennifer Choldenko
Elf Dog & Owl Head by M.T. Anderson
Looking Up by Stephan Pastis
Montgomery and the Case of the Golden Key by Tracy Occomy Crowder
Mr. Whiskers and the Shenanigan Sisters by Wendelin Van Draanen
My Not-So-Great French Escape by Cliff Burke
Squire & Knight by Scott Chantler
The Bees of Notre Dame by Meghan P. Browne
The Firefly Summer by Morgan Matson
The Infinite Questions of Dottie Bing by Molly B. Burnham
The International House of Dereliction by Jacqueline Davies
The Lion of Lark-Hayes Manor by Aubrey Hartman
The Remarkable Rescue at Milkweed Meadow by Elaine Dimopoulos
The Story of Gumluck the Wizard by Adam Rex
You Are Here edited by Ellen Oh

Librarian Susan Foust sits with a large group of students for Read Across America day.

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Library Hours

7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


The mission of the Tulsa Public Schools' Library Media Services is to promote the skills, experiences, and confidence that will enable children and young adults to use libraries and information resources for lifelong learning.