Observing your child’s classroom is the best way to understand the work your child does each day.
The first 6 to 8 weeks is a critical time for the students and teachers to form a community. This is the time when students become “normalized” to the environment. Because this is such a critical time, no outside observations will be permitted. Each classroom will send an invitation to families when observation times are open.
Visitors must schedule their observation at least 24 hours in advance and will need to arrive 15 minutes prior to their scheduled time. Observations are generally 30 minutes long.
Observation Guidelines
- Quietly observe from observation room or seated in chair.
- If a child approaches, comment briefly but do not engage the children.
- Keep in mind that your child might act differently if you are in the room.
- Experience the class as a whole.
- If offered a beverage, feel free to accept.
- If you have questions from your observation, schedule a meeting with the teacher to discuss.