About Us
Welcome to Emerson!
At Emerson Elementary, we strive to have every classroom be a child-centered environment, where our students learn by doing through self-motivation, independent work, and self-correcting. This method differs from traditional, teacher-centered learning environments where the teachers set the pace for the class, choose curriculum, and guide children on what to learn. We believe our approach emphasizes self-control and self-discipline for the child and inspires children to work out of joy, curiosity, and love of learning. A child-centered environment focuses on creating lifelong learners and self-motivated adults.
We provide a positive, caring and supportive environment where each child will experience success every day. Our school is made up of a community of learners, contributors and designers who grapple joyfully and productively with complex ideas, texts and tasks that prepare us for the greatest success in college, career and life. Every day, our students read, write and engage in academic discourse, grounded in meaningful questions and relevant problems. Our staff looks forward to sharing exciting and interesting educational experiences with our students and their families.
If you are new to Montessori, you are not alone! As a growing Montessori community, many of our families are new to this method of learning. It is our job to create opportunities for learning and working alongside your student. This will help you understand what your child is doing each day. Students are most successful when the learning at school is mirrored at home. I encourage you to ask questions, observe classrooms and follow your child's lead as they develop their independence. You will be amazed!
Our classes are learning laboratories where our students explore, discover and select their own work as we know student choice is important to create engaging learning experiences and building independent learners. Our Montessori classrooms include multiage groupings to foster peer learning, uninterrupted blocks of work time, guided work choices and specifically designed Montessori learning materials. In addition, we place an emphasis on cultivating leaders of the future who live with integrity, show gratitude, demonstrate persistence, and respect and help others and the environment. Click here for more information.
Emerson Eagles FOCUS
Our Emerson Eagles focus on leadership skills every day that will make them the leaders of tomorrow!